Child and Family Services
Case Management Software

Re-Visioning Case Management and family engagement

Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Reports

Improve Caseworker Contacts With Children, and Families

Case Management Software for Child and
Family Services Organizations

The work that your organization does to help children and families is vitally important. Plan-Street’s case management software provides a safe and secure platform designed to streamline your workflow and give you back the much needed time that could be spent with clients. A few extra hours of time to spend one-on-one with a child or with a family can make all the difference in reaching their goals.

Utilizing a robust case management software can improve efficiency and automate processes giving your team of case managers more time to pursue the aspects of child and family service work they are passionate about. PlanStreet facilitates agencies providing case management services for the Children’s Home and Community Based Services (CHCBS) Medicaid Waiver and In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Benefits.

Why Child and Family Services Organizations
Need Case Management Software


A tremendous amount of data is accumulated in the social services field. PlanStreet provides intuitive data input for Medical documentation, case notes, demographic information, shared data, youth tracking and child welfare documents.


Data security and privacy are of paramount concern in the social service industry. Large set of confidential data is generated and willfully handed over to case managers while serving the client. PlanStreet is designed to keep the data safe and secure.

Increased Productivity

Automation and streamlining of processes frees up administrative time to be used for on-the-ground time with clients and their families. An efficient social service organization will be able to work with more clients at a higher level of service.

Virtual Centralization

Being able to upload data and access it from anywhere is the new standard in case management. PlanStreet provides one single, easily accessible place for everything the case workers need to access from office, home or in the field.

Key Components of Case Management

Case management software provides resources to guide case managers and social workers through four very important steps of the case management process: intake, needs assessment, service planning, and monitoring and evaluation.

The initiation phase

The first step when taking on a new client in child and family services is the intake of information. In this step, the case manager gathers as much information about the client as possible with the goal of forming a complete picture. This is typically done in a face-to-face meeting where the manager gathers demographics, important documents, and initial discus-sions on what the client’s needs are. Case management software goes a long way toward streamlining this process and organizing information during intake.

Needs Assessment

The information gathered in the initial intake step is expounded upon and a mutual understanding of the client’s needs. At this stage, both the social worker and the client get on the same page about the end goal and the challenges that could be ahead.

Service Planning

Once a shared goal is established between the social worker and the client, the roadmap for how to get there becomes the focus. The case worker considers each piece of information at their disposal and can use a case management software to plot specific and measurable steps that can be taken. This creates an easily accessed and visual representation of the plan.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Keeping a close eye on progress is essential for two reasons. First, this step will provide an unbiased look at how much progress is being made.Tracking steps in real-time allows for adjustments to be made in the moment if it becomes clear that something isn’t working. No matter how well thought out a plan is, eventually, an unplanned event will throw a wrench in the works and force an adjustment to be made. Second, monitoring and evaluation provides a more long-term benefit through hindsight.

Case management software for child and family service agencies helps with each step of this process but it will particularly shine during the intake and monitoring and evaluation stages. Having safe, secure, and compliant tool to store confidential client information in the intake process is invaluable. Likewise, the ability to look back over the history of cases for best practices can improve an organizations effectiveness virtually over night.

PlanStreet Case Management Software for Child and Family Services Organizations

PlanStreet has a proven track record of providing high quality, safe, and secure case management solutions for a variety of industries. Our goal is make the work of case managers and social workers streamlined so that their essential work is not overburdened with administrative tasks.
PlanStreet’s case management software uses the industry standard Microsoft Azure cloud platform which provides security and scalability for any organization. And, of course, the case management software is HIPAA compliant.

Features and benefits of our software

Ability to

A key feature that sets PlanStreet apart from the rest of the crowd is its ability to adapt to changing process, trends, and individual needs. This flexibility keeps child and family services organizations poised to tackle their specific situations.

Fosters results oriented process

Being able to easily access past case files and projects helps organizations sort through what works and what doesn’t. There is no more valuable tool for this than one that can immediately display past information with a few keystrokes.

Reports to maximize effectiveness

Reports to maximize effectiveness PlanStreet provides a user friendly suite of reports that aide child and family service organizations see stories of success, room for improvement, and any compliance issues.

Safety and

PlanStreet offers HIPAA compliance including regularly backing up data through an automated process, case workers can be assured the information of the clients and their families are safe and secure.

Important work deserves the best tools

Learn how our Child and Family Service Case Management can help you

We’re positive PlanStreet will help you and your team(s) plan, execute, and track work.